
두번째 방법 : 법률상담
한국 인터넷 진흥원 (KISA)에서 불법스팸대응센터 (스팸캅)
Tel . 국번없이 118
email : [email protected]

정보통신부 산하 불펌스팸대응기관으로 신고민원접수를 통해서 불법스팸전송자들에게 사법처리, 과태료부과 등을 함.
신고시 필요한 사항 : 불법스팸대응센터에 수신한 스팸 또는 전화스팸의 경우 스팸수신시간, 전송자 전화번호(060의 경우 060번호), 스팸 종류 등 6하원칙에 따라 신고하면 됨

Unsolicted calls are a nuisance that need to be addressed. Most official bodies only act once a certain amount of public pressure has been accumulated, meaning, that if you aim to ban a notorious telephone number, you will have to address the authorities to get things in motion. A bureaucratic entity is a slow moving mechanism that needs constant input. If you feel, that the caller is violating your privacy, do not hold back and file a complaint with the respective authorities. Do not forget to take notes: Time, length of call, name of the caller, etc. In addition, it is recommended to consult a lawyer if you think the law has been broken. Perhaps you can join others in a class action lawsuit against the caller and, therewith, increase your chance of success.
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